Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Haiti, officially Republic of Haiti, is located on the small western third of the island of Hispaniola. Starting in 1986 many attemps were made to create a civilian democracy, but they were all terminated by a military coup. In Sept. 1991 Jean-Bertrand Aristide was the first man to be elected as President in Haiti. Shortly after he was forced to leave the country. The army, which used terrorist violence to maintain power, repudiated the return of Aristide. In 2000 there was large number of politicial killings. In Nov. 2001 Aristide was re-elected as president of Haiti. By the next year the human rights and the rule of law had crumbled in Haiti, citing harrassment of politicians and attacks on journalists. In February of 2004 gangs allied with the government and were on the verge of entering the capital. In Oct. 2006 the U.S. lifted an arms embargo against Haiti, allowing the government to buy weapons and other equipment for Haitan police. Gangs still remain a major problem in Haiti today.


A.Guzzi said...

From what you wrote, there is obviously a lot of violence in Haiti and they are losing the war to maintain balance. Is this the cause of the SOA though?

NealRomain said...

I agree with what Guzzi said. Is it the SOA in Hatai that is the problem or is it the gangs?

Deacon Thom said...

Kaley, These may very well be the actions of SOA graduates, and then again they may not. It is unclear fro your report. It would not be unusual that the leaders, especially in these South and Central American countries could be associated with the SOA. However, until we know for sure, then your conclusion, "Gangs remain a major problem in Haiti today," remain; that is, simply gangs. The question is, "Who leads andorganizes the gangs?"

Kevan O. said...

Why is Haiti in chaos when the neighboring Dominican Republic, which shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti, is stable and prosperous?

Kayla Wilmoth said...

Are tey losing the war becuase of SOA? Is SOA the big problem is Haiti?